The Official Home of the Self-Employed

Freelancers Union is a non-profit organization serving as a support system for independent workers through advocacy, education, and benefits. So, whether you consider yourself a creative, a solopreneur, or a founder, we’re working to secure a better future for you.

La factura más larga del mundo

$6,133,747+ In Unpaid Bills

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Todo en todas partes
Todo en un solo lugar

Trabajar como autónomo tiene sus ventajas, pero también es difícil averiguar todo lo que necesitas para tener éxito. Por suerte para ti, lo hemos recopilado todo a continuación.

Seguros para autónomos

Find Insurance to Help You
Plan for the Future

From health insurance to building a full benefits package, we've curated plans for the self-employed. When you buy insurance through us, you support our advocacy work.

Encontrar un seguro
Freelancer Rights & Resources

Explore Tools and Protections that Support Your Work

Use our interactive map to explore key regulations affecting freelancers, including the Freelance Isn’t Free Law, misclassification rules, paid leave programs, and state retirement plans. Stay informed and access the tools that support and protect you across every aspect of freelancing.

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Ayúdenos a apoyar a los trabajadores independientes

La unión la impulsas TÚ.

Freelancers Union se financia gracias a tu apoyo, que nos ayuda a defender, educar y proporcionar recursos vitales a los autónomos de los 50 estados.

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